Welcome to the kimkiverse

kimki is love is not just our motto, it's who we are. Wherever we appear we try to spread love and positive energy. In a world full of mistrust and uncertainty kimki is, by just being themselves, putting smiles on peoples faces and leaving them with a warm feeling in their hearts. 

By being outside most of the time and travelling all over the European continent, we manage to reach many people. Wherever kimki appears, something magical happens.






kimki puppies



About us

Kimki is a little Siberian Husky family that everybody loves.

King came first into our family and changed our lives for the better. His intelligence and charisma is unprecedented amongst the doggy world. He is pure joy and has a warm heart that he is never short of showing to his environment. In this little family, he has the role of the father, that he very proudly lives out every day.

Three years later came Kiwi. After receiving a puppy photograph of her, our hearts melted and we knew she was the one. She was extremely cute, therefore we decided very quickly to adopt her into our family. She turned out to be very feminine and kind. While the boys are being very physical in their everyday life, Kiwi is observing her surroundings and is telepathically communicating with us, only sending us looks. After her puberty phase, it pretty quickly turned out that she chose King as her mating partner. This decision brought six beautiful puppies into our lives.

Messi was one of those six. After a very difficult beginning in his life, including several health issues, he turned out to become a handsome, kind-hearted and energetic fella. We fought for weeks to keep him alive and we managed, even though several veterinarians told us he was too weak and that we should not even try. Only one young veterinarian told us to keep on fighting, so we did. The result was, we fell in love with this little guy who was a sympathy and love spreader from his very first days. Every day since our victory, he is paying us back for saving his life, by filling our hearts with nothing but love and joy.

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